Monday | February 20.2006

More on VFP9 and GDI+: Special Effects / Scale and Shear / Converting Image Types / Rotating and Flipping / Resizing Images. Yup all done in VFP9... courtesy of Cesar Chalom from within the weblogs at which just had a facelift.
WildFire on 06:44 PM CST [ link ]

Wednesday | February 15.2006

SPS: Setting the System Cursor using GDI+ and VFP9.
WildFire on 01:56 PM CST [ link ]

Friday | February 10.2006

Wednesday | February 08.2006

I was doing a little clean-up experiment on CGIs/Perl+css, html tables and [br] tags with that post on multiple detail bands (step by step hints section) so if it breaks your rss reader, feel free to view the online version.

If it still doesn't work, here's a screenshot of the steps part in GIF format.
WildFire on 04:29 PM CST [ link ]

After countless trials and errors, with each error pounding one of my faithful neurons, reading (and re-reading and re-reading), roundtrips to the Program Files\VFP9\Samples directory and pathetic attempts to have a crash course on 'Absorbing the Mozart Effect 101'... I finally figured out how to make VFP9's multiple detail band feature work on one of my reports.

(And no, Mozart wasn't helpful this time.)

More than 77 neurons are off to meet their maker. I stopped counting though an hour and a half ago, so there's probably more. (And we're not even counting the injured and now-limb-less ones.)

Yes I know... I'm quite late with this. Most VFP9 coders are now using the multiple detail band to extract data from different databases located in parallel universes while I have been using the dump N table records to one 'cursor/table holder' with generic field names where I can extract data for reporting...

... or firing up CrystalReports.

Anyway at 1:37AM, I'm scribbling this down just in case an alien decides to teleport its presence here in this room, do some wholesome (I hope) experiments and decides to mind-wipe me afterwards, which might possibly corrupt this multiple-detail-band-eureka moments I have.

Also this could probably help a coder out there who decides to google things after being mind-wiped by an alien.

Just a basic overview... I'll call these step by step 'hints' not a 'guide'. (A User Guide expert would scream bloody hell when he sees this. (But trust me a programmer will understand. (Especially those mind-wiped by aliens.)))

Parent.dbf / Child01.dbf / Child02.dbf
Right click = Right click in the Report Designer.

 File. New. New report. (No wizards.)  
 Data Environment. Add the three (or more) tables. 
 Set the relationships. (P » C01 and P » C02.) 
 Right click. Select Data Grouping.  
 Data Grouping tab. Group Nesting Order box. Add. And add field from your parent table (Your primary key... for example: PARENT.CODENO)  
 Right click. Optional Bands. In the Detail Bands box, Add another Detail Band.  
 Now you have two bands. One for you, one for the alien. 
 Double click on the Detail 1 separator. The Detail Band Properties window pops out. (Or if you like the longer process... Report... Edit Bands... select Detail 1.)  
 Check Associated header and footer bands. (Trust me you need this. Aliens are allergic to this.)  
 Repeat steps 8 - 9 for Detail 2.  
 Data Environment. Drag the fields to their appropriate bands. Parent fields on the Group Header. C01 fields in the Detail 1 band and C02 fields on the Detail 2. And aliens in the footer part.  
 BTW... you should have saved your report already and instinctively press CTRL+S every now and then in case the aliens...  
 Now double click the Detail 1 'bar' (separator) again.  
 Detail Band Properties. In the Target alias expression enter 'child01' or the name of your child database. (NOTE: Be sure to include the '') 
 Do the same with the other Detail bands. The Detail 1 band separator should now look like 'Detail 1: Child01'. 
 Add appropiate headers, lines and all. Align things.  
 Beautify your report. Make it look professional. Nevermind if your clients are using a stone-age dot matrix printer.  

Hope this helps.

Now I'm off to re-inspect the protective shields of this room.
WildFire on 03:13 PM CST [ link ]

The covers for Top Cow's Darkness Volume II. Most are illustrated by artist extraordinaire, Dale Keown of Full Bleed Studios. (Some issues and crossover covers are illustrated by Eric Basaldua, Keu Cha and Tyler Kirkham)

DC and Marvel, though also producing some fully painted covers these days, still have some catching up to do in terms of firing up kick-arse covers, eh?

Yes... programmers don't read boring manuals, PDFs and CHMs all the time.

Click for full view.
WildFire on 02:59 PM CST [ link ]

Friday | February 03.2006

SPS: State of the Language Address.

Ken Levy shifts. Craig Berntson re-emphasizes (I swear such a word exists) his stand. As for me, I'd like to look at the bright side.
WildFire on 04:25 PM CST [ link ]

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Darn aliens. THEY kept on rebooting this site's counter.