Friday | June 30.2006
OK... TheLAIR except for the artworks/illuminations (wallpapers) is online. Thanks to Niko (Phoenix) once again. I will re-link and reconstruct the walls section this weekend. TheLair: WildFire on 07:56 PM CST [ link ] Thursday | June 29.2006
There goes those aliens once again... tinkering with the site's counter. It's time to fight back. It's time for these mind-reading computers. WildFire on 07:25 PM CST [ link ] ![]() We abused the bandwidth and made it scream. Tortured it. Tormented. Made it suffer. Made it scream some more. Scream it did. And in the end... it kicked our arse. pixelcatalyst's arse to be precise. So fiercely it kicked... and now we're here in Mars. Devising a plan to return home. A plan to woe the bandwidth back and to prevent TheBandwidth from getting mad at us once again. Chocolates and roses. ... I wasn't able to anticipate it really but here are some stats for June 1 - 24: Apologies to my fellow Plastiqueweb dwellers for the inconvenience and thanks once again to Niko for the consideration. I am restructuring portions of the site to prevent this problem from occurring in the future. Until then you can download the artworks and illuminations at and The content of this section will be re-uploaded once I'm sure I have placed enough protective measures to prevent that problem from happening once again in the future. The illuminations and artworks when that time comes will be linked in a host outside TheLair.
Wednesday | June 28.2006
Fox-warps and other links:
WildFire on 02:39 PM CST [ link ] Tuesday | June 27.2006
I was reading an archived copy of Mark Cuban's blog last week. (see This was after I watched Game 6 of the NBA Finals 2006 on a bus enroute to a client visit. The first game I watched since Michael Jordan left. But more on that later, now let's go back to Mark Cuban's blog. There are very interesting points he mentioned in his blog which I'd like to CP. Substance comes from detail. Luck comes from detail. Winning comes from being willing to do the work on the details. Learning comes from investing in details. Cool blog. Cool dude. Back to that game. Miami won and I think everyone knows that part already. But watching an NBA game after years... five... four or even more I'm not really sure. All I recognize is the NBA logo, Shaq who's now a little old and slower but wiser... Payton and two more players whose names I could not remember. I recognized Pat Riley though. What amazed me is the camera movement though. It was seemingly hovering, rotating and being in the best angles. It was far far better than when I was following game after game way way back before. Hmm... can we implement that on database systems. Like a sort of hovering software/sentient being or something that really monitors how data travels, bumps and all. WildFire on 07:07 PM CST [ link ]
'Scream, bandwidth. Scream.' was PXLCTLSTv7's motto... and scream it did. Until it choked. BANDWIDTH LIMIT EXCEEDED. I'm still waiting for the admin's reply if this is really a 'real' bandwidth problem. OR spambot-related or... a hmm... DDOS..? Which I doubt actually. Which is quite untimely... since after a couple of weeks and a day of client visits, I was hoping I could change gear and shift to GFX-in'. Ah well. WildFire on 06:32 PM CST [ link ] Friday | June 23.2006 Tuesday | June 20.2006
DECLARE INTEGER ShellExecute IN shell32.dll ; INTEGER hndWin, STRING cAction, STRING cFileName, ; STRING cParams, STRING cDir, INTEGER nShowWin ShellExecute(0, 'open', 'control.exe', 'timedate.cpl', '', 1) MY qs... is so cool. She's dissecting WinAPI related stuff these days. Screams and grumbles are reaching a new level though. But that's normal when you handle these kinds of areas. The last few days have been very busy for us. We have a data entry module due this Saturday afternoon. But before that we have to hurdle three more client visits. And we already had 7 client visits in the past 8 days. The second leg of my sleep is even interrupted by client calls. They're my alarm clocks these days. And I don't even dare to whack their heads when they do the ringing. (The first leg stops when I have to randomly poke (and annoy) my kid to go to school. (Hopefully, education will not hinder his learning.)) Ah well... one of those days in the lives of us freelancers... : ] WildFire on 05:47 PM CST [ link ] Thursday | June 15.2006 (Thanks LEIGH for the link (SNAGGED from TheLair's pixelnews.)
WildFire on 07:13 PM CST [ link ] Wednesday | June 07.2006
You know... we have this printer in the office, which I shall call Jana, who would randomly barf out errors unless you pull her closer to you... talk to her... say nice things to her. And even worse things if qs is the one handling her. I'll assume she's around 17 years old in spirit. Probably vegetarian. So every time I have to print something I have to pull her close to me (in an angle facing me), caress the cover and access this affection.woo.database of mine. Anyway... to compensate for this... here's a tip. In case you wanted to cancel a print job... and a thousand and five delete key hitting won't do, cancelling all print jobs won't work, purge, curses, spells and a dozen turn off/reboots and all. Try clicking ALT+CTRL+DEL... click Task Manager... select the Processes tab. Look for spoolsv and hit DELETE. But then again... you might need another 1001 reboots to make that work... : ] Pixelwarps: version 5.00 · ANGELWorld 8.3 (with AJAX) and Back to codin'. WildFire on 05:32 AM CST [ link ] Friday | June 02.2006
OOPS. Wrong CGI-bin. Let me compensate that with this foxpro-warp: Stuart Dunkeld. WildFire on 04:17 PM CST [ link ] Disclaimers are for castrated EARTHLINGS. Powered: GREYMatter | GM-RSS